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Photo of eduardo enrique rosas castillo Chile

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Eduardo Enrique Rosas Castillo.

Born in Coyhaique, Chile on 02 February 1968.

I define myself as emerging self-taught painter, pictorial style

I do is graphic technique to paint in acrylic.


1998 first solo exhibition "Graphics of Aysen" in the Regional Government in the exhibition hall of Father Antonio Ronchi Berra Coyhaique, Chile.

1998 exhibition at...

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Eduardo Enrique Rosas Castillo.

Born in Coyhaique, Chile on 02 February 1968.

I define myself as emerging self-taught painter, pictorial style

I do is graphic technique to paint in acrylic.


1998 first solo exhibition "Graphics of Aysen" in the Regional Government in the exhibition hall of Father Antonio Ronchi Berra Coyhaique, Chile.

1998 exhibition at the Chilean-Argentine binational meeting in Coyhaique, Chile.

1999 exhibition at the Municipal Cultural Corporation of Coyhaique, Chile.

1999 Solo Exhibition of Paintings at the Municipal Cultural Corporation of Puerto Aysen, Chile.

2000 Group exhibition Chile the source of the future as a cultural event organized for change Presidential control.

2000 Monitor Calcografia workshop Club Social Integration Management Commitment psychiatric patients number 20, Ministry of Health Hospital of Coyhaique, Chile.

2001 Individual exhibition of painting in the Casa de la Cultura de Coyhaique, Chile.

2001 exhibition at the salon Augusto Grosse Auditorium at the Ministry of Public Works of Coyhaique, Chile.

2005 Exhibition "Puerto Montt Brushes 1" Ardy Wistuba room in the Casa del Arte Diego Rivera of Puerto Montt, Chile.

2005 Collective Exhibition of Plastic Artists Association of Puerto Montt in the room Pablo Neruda Wagon Museum.

April 2005 Solo exhibition "Acrylics by Eduardo Rosas" in the room Mexicana de la Casa del Arte Diego Rivera in the city of Puerto Montt, Chile.

2005 Exhibition "Four Seasons of permanent color" in the Regional Library of Puerto Montt.

2006 January Group exhibition of the Association of Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt "in the room Pablo Neruda car museum.

2006 February Exhibition "Puerto Montt Brushes 2" in the room at the Cultural Corporation Mexican Diego Rivera of Puerto Montt.

February 2006 Regional Painting in situ by the Municipality of Calbuco.

2006 April insitu in the city of Puerto Montt organized by the Inmoviliaria Socovesa.

June 2006 exhibition at the Exhibition hall "Pablo Neruda" car museum Puerto Montt, Chile.

October 2006 Group exhibition of the Association of Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt "in the Theatre Under Frutillar lake, Chile.

2006 November Group exhibition of the Association of Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt "in the train station in Puerto Varas, Chile.

2007 May Solo exhibition at the Interior Provincial Llanquihue Puerto Montt, Chile.

2007 June Group exhibition of the Association of Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt "in the house of Diego Rivera Art.

October 2007 Collective exhibition in the hall of the Visual Arts in the Regional Municipality X de los Lagos, Puerto Montt, Chile.

2008 October Exhibition "Regional Identity" in the Visual Arts room third floor of the Administration of the Lakes Region, Puerto Montt, Chile.

2008 November Pictorica Traveling Exhibition "Angelmo Encantado Association Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt, Chile.

January-February 2009 Painting Exhibition "Space and Color" of the Association of Plastic Artists of Puerto Montt in the lounge of the Hotel Arts Vicente ;

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